

This section provides simple step-by-step instructions on how to setup the infrastructure without going into the details. This might be useful for the initial setup during the evaluation for the users not yet familiar with all concepts.


This guide is for Power BI Integration extension or Power BI Integration Plus packages that come without Sales Cube data model. If you have Sales Cube, it is better to skip this section and follow Sales Cube Setup Guide that comes next.

Step 1: Installation

Magento 1 extension files can be downloaded from the https://insightsready.com after purchasing the license. Read "Installation" section of this documentation to get more information on how to install the extension on Magento 1.

Magento 2 extensions are distributed using private composer repository. Credentials required to access the repository are available on the website details page on https://insightsready.com.

To install the extension on Magento 2 store, perform the following steps (after purchasing of the extension license):

  1. Login to your account on https://insightsready.com/customer/account.

  2. Go to "My Websites" and configure the website.

  3. Go to "My Licenses" and assign the license to the website.

  4. On the website settings page you may find access data for the composer repository.

  5. Configure your composer and add repository URI to composer.json file:

    "type": "composer",
    "url": "https://repo.insightsready.com/"
  1. Add authentication to auth.json:
  "http-basic": {
    "repo.insightsready.com": {
      "username": "<user from website settings page>",
      "password": "<password from website settings page>"
  1. Install extension to Magento 2:
composer require bim/power-bi-integration-metapackage-magento2:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

Read "Installation" section of this documentation to get more detailed information on how to install the extension on Magento Platform.

Step 2: Setup crontab

Run by crontab the following command every minute:

For Magento 2

bin/magento bim:etl:scheduler

For Magento 1

shell/bim_etl.php scheduler

Step 3: Configuration

  1. Obtain extension License Key from Website Details page on https://insightsready.com and enter this key in the configuration of Magento Platform.

  2. Register App for Power BI in Azure Active Directory and obtain Client ID and Client Secret. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret to configuration of Magento Platform.

Step 4: Connect to Power BI Service

Open Datasets Page (Reports Datasets). Click on "Connect to Power BI API" button. Provide user and password for Power BI to connect the user with Magento Platform.

Step 5: Create Table Profiles

You can create one or more Table Profiles that you will later include into your dataset. This guide describes the process for creation of one Table Profile that is based on Sales Magento report.

  1. Open Magento Report (for example, Sales Report) and fill in the filters. You can start by filtering out for short period of time and extend it later. Show the report with the filters specified. Full list of supported reports could be found in "Table Profiles based on Magento Reports: Supported reports" section of this documentation.

  2. Select Power BI as export option and Press the "Export" button.

Step 6: Configure Table Profile

  1. Navigate to Table Profile properties page using the link in the message displayed after the creation of the Table Profile or by navigating to Reports Power BI Table Profiles.

  2. Here you can change the name of the Table Profile if you want.

Step 7: Create Dataset

  1. Open Reports Power BI Datasets page.

  2. Click on "Add New Dataset" button.

  3. Select "Mixed" if asked to select the dataset type.

  4. Fill in the dataset properties such as Dataset Name and Workspace.

  5. Switch to Tables tab and add there the Table Profile that you have created in Step 6 before.

  6. Save the Dataset.

Step 8: Publish dataset

Publish the created dataset by clicking on "Publish" button on Dataset Properties page.

Step 9: Load data to the dataset

Load data for the created dataset by clicking on "Start Data Loading" button on dataset properties page.

The data loading will begin maximum in a minute. This process will be triggered by crontab. You can check the status of the loading by refreshing the Dataset's page and checking the Loading Status field. Once the loading fill finish, the dataset with its data will be available on Power BI Service ready to be used to create reports and dashboards.

Step 10: Configuring scheduled data updates

  1. Configure the Live or Regular scheduler. This could be configured in Magento configuration pages on Insights Ready Data Integration (ETL) Scheduler tab.

  2. Enable automated data actualization for the user on the same page (Reports Datasets). Make sure, Magento account is connected to Power BI.

  3. Open dataset properties and set Load Mode to the configured schedule (Live or Regular).

Dataset data will be updated automatically.



Step 1: Installation

Magento 1 extension files can be downloaded from the https://insightsready.com after purchasing the license. Read "Installation" section of this documentation to get more information on how to install the extension on Magento 1.

Magento 2 extensions are distributed using private composer repository. Credentials required to access the repository are available on the website details page on https://insightsready.com.

To install the extension on Magento 2 store, perform the following steps (after purchasing the extension's license):

  1. Login to your account on https://insightsready.com

  2. Go to "My Websites" and configure the website.

  3. Go to "My Licenses" and assign the license to the website.

  4. On the website settings page you may find access data for the composer repository.

  5. Configure your composer and add repository URI to composer.json file:

  "type": "composer",
  "url": "https://repo.insightsready.com/"
  1. Add authentication to auth.json:
  "http-basic": {
    "https://insightsready.com": {
      "username": "<user from website settings page>",
      "password": "<password from website settings page>"
  1. Install extension to Magento 2:
composer require bim/power-bi-integration-metapackage-magento2:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

Read "Installation" section of this documentation to get more detailed information on how to install the extension on Magento Platform.

Step 2: Setup DB Connections and crontab

  1. Create new database in MySQL 5.6 or MySQL 5.7 (or in other database, supported by Magento platform).

  2. Add connection information with the newly created database to app/etc/env.php file of Magento 2 installation under connection name "bim_dwh" (additionally to "default"). On Magento 1 the connection information should be added to app/etc/local.xml file.

  3. Add connection information for the process of data extraction from Magento. Please, copy "default" configuration and add it as "bim_data_export".

  4. On Magento 2 you also need to add "bim_dwh" and "bim_data_export" connections under the "resource" property in app/etc/env.php file.

  5. Configure the crontab to run the following command every minute:

For Magento 2:

bin/magento bim:etl:scheduler

For Magento 1:

shell/bim_etl.php scheduler

Step 3: Configuration

  1. Obtain extension License Key from Website Details page on https://insightsready.com and enter this key in the configuration of Magento Platform (Configuration Insights Ready General).

  2. Register an App for Power BI in Azure Active Directory and obtain Client ID and Client Secret. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret to configuration of Magento Platform.

  3. Configure the Live scheduler to run every 15 minutes (or set another interval for data updates). This could be configured in Magento configuration pages on Insights Ready Data Integration (ETL) Scheduler tab.

Step 4: Connect to Power BI Service

  1. Open Datasets Page (Reports Power BI Datasets). Click on "Connect to Power BI API" button. Provide user and password for Power BI to connect the user with the Magento Platform.

  2. Enable automated data actualization for the user on the same page (Reports Power BI Datasets).

Step 5: Create Permanent Dataset

  1. Open Datasets page (Reports Power BI Datasets).

  2. Click on "Add New Dataset".

  3. Select "Sales Cube" if asked to select the dataset type.

  4. Fill in the dataset properties and save the dataset.

Step 6: Publish dataset

Publish the created Sales Cube dataset by clicking on "Publish" button on dataset properties page.

Please, note that this will crease dataset in Power BI, but will not populate it with data yet.

Step 7 (optional): estimate the amount of data

For the stores with log of data, do the estimation of the amount of data in the dataset to make sure, it does not go over the limitations of Power BI:

  1. Open Reports Development Tools

  2. Open Sales Cube Capacity estimation tool.

  3. Check if there are no tables which exceed the capacity. Also, the page will show estimated time it would take to load all data to Power BI.

  4. If there are tables that exceed the allowed capacity, adjust dataset properties to reduce the timeframe or limit amount of stores in the dataset.

  5. Once you will make sure that capacity is not increased, proceed further.

Step 8: Load data to the dataset

Trigger the start of data loading. Depending on the amount of data, it may take different time depending on the amount of data and the Power BI account limitations.

To start loading of the data:

  1. Open Dataset properties in Magento Platform.

  2. Click to "Start Data Loading" button.

  3. Refreshing the page will update information in the data loading status field.

To load the dataset manually click on "Load" button on dataset properties page inside Magento Platform (only recommended for the cases when dataset does not have lot of data).

Step 9: Configuring scheduled data updates

Once the initial load is done, user can configure the desired interval for data actualization by configuring Live or Regular schedules and assigning the dataset to this schedule. Additionally it is recommended to configure the clean-up schedule. All created datasets will update full set of data by the clean-up schedule.

  1. Configure the desired schedules configuration on the Magento Configuration page, section Insights Ready Data Integration (ETL) Scheduler.

  2. Change dataset properties to assign dataset to regular or live scheduler if it is not yet done.

  3. Make sure, auto load is enabled for the user (is done in previous steps).

Step 10: Publish Report Templates

After the data will be delivered to PBI (or will start to be delivered), user can upload reports and configure embedding functionality.

  1. Navigate to Reports PBI Templates menu inside Magento Platform.

  2. Upload each report related to Sales Cube and assign it to newly loaded dataset.

Step 11: Configure embedded content

  1. Open Magento Platform configuration page and navigate to Insights Ready
    Power BI Integration Embedding section.

  2. Under the Embedding section, enable all embedded content and specify the datasets and reports for embedding. You will need to know Dataset ID, Report ID, Workspace ID from Power BI Service. Easiest way is to find this information in the URL after navigating to correspondent Power BI content in Power BI Service.
